Joe Wiebe, author of Craft Beer Revolution: The Insider’s Guide to B.C. Breweries, shares five suggestions for B.C. beers with YAM’s “Divine Drinks” columnist Adem Tepedelen:

1. Fernie What the Huck Huckleberry Wheat
This purple-tinged wheat beer features the sweet huckleberry, which is native to the mountains around B.C.’s easternmost brewery.

2. R & B Birra Fresca Cucumber Mint IPA
Cucumber and mint in beer? It works much better than I ever imagined in this refreshing and unique beer from this East Vancouver brewery.

3. Parallel 49 Seedspitter Watermelon Wit
With a big watermelon flavour and aroma, this crisp Belgian wit is perfect on a hot summer’s day.

4. Salt Spring Island Ales Gruit
Gruit dates back hundreds of years prior to the use of hops in the brewing process. Instead, a secret mix of herbs, spices and roots were added. The Gulf Islands’ only brewery produces this unique style each spring.

5. Tofino Kelp Stout
Leave it to some dudes from Tofino to think of adding kelp to beer. The locally harvested kelp gives this stout an interesting umami character.