Artful thrift store sells everything from paint to pompoms - YAM Jan/Feb 2023

Artful thrift store sells everything from paint to pompoms - YAM Jan/Feb 2023

Art is more than something to hang on the wall or decorate a bookshelf. Art makes our world a better place. But too often those who need art’s creative outlet the most simply can’t afford the tools to make it. That’s where SUPPLY Victoria Creative Reuse Centre comes in.

The first of its kind in B.C., SUPPLY diverts used art, office and school supplies from the landfill and into the hands of artists and teachers. It’s been offering education and activities since 2018, but last summer opened a permanent location at 750 Fairfield Road in a space shared with more than 70 artist studios.

From its low-cost art-supply store, SUPPLY makes Victoria a more beautiful place to live.