We’re here for you — and we’d like to hear from you.

The past weeks have been challenging ones for us all. Like many of you, our team at YAM magazine is working from home, social distancing and dealing with the reality of COVID-19 as best we can. We’re learning more about each other’s homes from the creative backgrounds we see during our Zoom video-conferences. And we’re learning more about each other — our resilience, humour, positivity and baking skills (which we can only share with each other on Instagram at this time, alas). We’re also planning for the future, including our next issue of YAM, creating and sharing online content, and connecting with as many of you as possible through social media.

The YAM community is so very important to us. We may all be isolated during this time, but we don’t have to be alone. That’s why I hope you’ll reach out to us on Instagram and Facebook or at editor@yammagazine.com. Share with us how you are coping, what you need or how you can help others. If you’re a business owner, send us your stories and updates so we can share them online and connect you to our social followers. 

We’re hard at work on the next issue of YAM and we’ll keep you updated. Sadly, we’ve delayed our Restaurant Awards until it’s safe for us all to gather again — and we will!  In the meantime, we’ll keep publishing plenty of new, inspiring content online — including home and decor ideas, inspirational features and recipes.

Many of you have asked how you can support us during this time. YAM’s Home issue is on stands right now, so please pick one up if you get the chance. I always find that curling up with a magazine and cup of tea (or whatever you like!) is a great way to de-stress and get inspired.

We also ask that you support local businesses. Many of them, from shoe stores to book sellers to clothing boutiques, offer online ordering, curbside pickup and home delivery. And don’t forget our arts community! Some of them are experimenting with online performances. Let’s all let them know we’re here for them and we value them.

My wish is for you and your loved ones to keep safe, stay safely in touch with each other and with us — and keep reading!  

— Kerry Slavens, Editor-in-Chief, YAM magazine