Discover wines from 15 countries at the 46th Vancouver International Wine Festival, February 22–March 2. Read more…

Discover wines from 15 countries at the 46th Vancouver International Wine Festival, February 22–March 2. Read more…
If you love ales and lagers, porters and hefeweizens, sours and ultra-hoppy IPAS, you’ll love hearing that Canada’s oldest and best beer festival is back at Royal Athletic Park September 8 and 9. Produced by the Victoria Beer Society, the 29th annual Great Canadian Beer Festival is back! Read more…
Love gin? Or have an interest, but don’t know where to start? Head to the St. Anne’s Academy grounds in Downtown Victoria on July 29 and 30 to sample gins from international and craft distillers, as well as non-alcoholic drinks. Read more…
The much-awaited Rifflandia festival returns to Victoria on September 15 to 18. In the meantime, find out how the festival came to life from the founder himself, Nick Blasko. Read more…