These are the restaurants on wheels that really got our Best Restaurants judges talking.
By Cinda Chavich
Winner: Deadbeetz
The Beatrice beef burger from DeadBeetz features a local grass-fed beef patty with Vancouver Island sauce, lettuce, cheddar, and truck-made pickled beets. Photograph by Jeffrey Bosdet.
Who knew that the humble beet pickle could be such a game changer? But it’s chef Karrie Hill’s homemade pickles — and the grass-fed beef — that define her Beatrice burger and put Deadbeetz at the top of both our food truck and best burger lists. Look for the funky purple truck parked behind the Royal BC Museum (or at summer festivals). Vegetarians will love her cashew chickpea burger with fresh salsa too!
Runner Up: Finest at Sea Food Truck
Finest at Sea, the popular local fishmonger, now serves amazing fish and chips (plus fish burgers and tacos) from their food truck outside the shop.
Runner Up: Indecent Risotto
The orange Indecent Risotto truck makes big golden arancini (risotto balls) stuffed with pulled pork, roast chicken and gooey cheese, with chef-style sauces.
Honorable Mentions: Songhees Seafood & Steam, Taco Justice
More Best Restaurants
The 2018 Best Restaurants were selected by a panel of judges. Meet the judges here.
This is from the July/August 2018 issue of YAM