With years of experience of life in Victoria BC, their Real Estate team knows where to look for your dream home and how to effectively negotiate a price that will make clients happy. Client satisfaction is of the utmost importance to Briggs & Stratton and Associates and, taking advantage of an expansive local network and diverse skill set, this is never disregarded. Meet their team of Realtors!

Erin Smith, Realtor®
When she’s not in the office or meeting with clients, you will most likely find Erin on the scenic trails of Victoria with her Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Rugby. Coming from an extensive competitive sports background, Erin is always on the move seeking new adventures.
Nancy Stratton, Realtor®
Some of Nancy’s favorite moments are spending time on the water with her husband Tom and their golden Retreiver Finlay. One of the first things that Nancy wanted to do when she moved here from Alberta was to learn to sail and that’s what they did! Now they try to explore the amazing nooks and crannies of the Gulf Islands and the Salish Sea.

Sophia Briggs, Personal Real Estate Corporation
Sophia and her husband Andrew welcomed a baby boy in September making them a family of 3 with 3 doggies. They are busy being active parents for Oscar and loving their new roles as parents. They are hoping to expand their family again and starting to look for an egg donor so Oscar can have a sibling.
Rebecca Barritt, Realtor®
Rebecca fell in love with Victoria when she moved here in 2001 and built her life around being a part of the relaxed and dreamy west coast way of life. As a musician and mother of 2, Rebecca and her young family feel very lucky to be able to live on Vancouver Island and love finding hiking trails and swimming spots 15 minutes from anywhere.